

  • Superheroes, aliens and mutants, Oh my!!! These are the things that have fascinated me since I was knee-high to a light-saber. Stan Lee is my idol. If I never meet him in this life, I plan to stalk...

  • Author of Harem Slave Synopsis: Nancy Hartwell grew up in Tampa, Florida, and studied international relations at American University in Washington, DC. Most of her career has been devoted to...

  • Kathy Keenan is a writer living in Silicon Valley. She has worked in the high technology industries since 1978 as a writer, content creator and public relations expert.   Kathy began writing...

  • Illuminati Hunter is a historical, conspiracy, adventure packed with extraordinary twists and laced with dark humour. Told in the form of a memoir set in 1780's Bavaria and taking 'The...

  • Jane's short stories have appeared in several crime fiction anthologies. Jane’s debut novel An Unfamiliar Murder was published in the US in 2012 and was nominated as best mystery in the...

  • Larry Brill grew up in San Jose, California with three goals: To become a broadcast journalist; to write a hit novel; and to pitch for a major league baseball team. Well, two out of three isn t...

  • Angela Doll Carlson is a poet, essayist and novelist whose work has appeared in publications both online and offline, such as Burnside Writer's Collective, St. Katherine Review, Rock & Sling...

  • A native of Iowa, Dene has lived in North Carolina for two decades. She is a graduate of   The University of Wisconsin Green Bay and has written professionally in numerous   genres,...

  • "The Swami Deheftner" is a literary novel that chronicles the life of Solomon Deheftner.  As a young man, Deheftner achieves fame as a stage magician and escapologist, in the tradition of the...

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