The Author Extension Community is simply an informal network of hard-working authors, cover artists, and editors who support one another. Our goal is enhance and enable that network to...
Antaeus was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. He now lives near Sarasota, Florida, USA with his wife. He is the second string caregiver of two, who are supervised by a cat named Barbie, (who thinks...
December 6, 2014 -
Posted by Ira Nayman
in Pages - Store
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How hard could it be? You take Dimensional Portal(TM) technology and push - ahem, I mean convince - several seasoned (I like mine with more salt than is healthy and a dash of Tabasco) journalists...
Nicholas C. Rossis has written the epic fantasy series Pearseus and The Power of Six, a collection of short science fiction stories. All of these have reached #1 on Amazon.
His latest book is...
November 27, 2014 -
Posted by admin
in Pages - Author
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Avid reader. Web developer. Architect by training, holder of a PhD in Digital Architecture from the University of Edinburgh. Now an author, Nicholas loves to write. His first children's book, the...
My first novel, January’s Paradigm, was published by Minerva Press, London, England. Current Entertainment Monthly in Ann Arbor, Michigan, wrote of January’s...