

  • Ethan Harrison is an exciting new English novelist with a background in blogging (The Stuffing-It-To-'Em Post @ Blogspot) and journalism writing for The International Times. His books are...

  • Being Damsport’s most elegant assassin is hard work. There’s tailoring to consider, devilish poisons to concoct, secret identities to maintain… But most importantly, Longinus has...

  • Born in Connecticut, raised in Florida, S L Dwyer has lived all over the country. She began as a nurse and went back to school for an engineering degree. Then on to finance and technology. Diverse,...

  • Tara Guha is the winner of the 2014 Luke Bitmead Bursary andUntouchable Things is her debut novel. Born to an Indian father and English mother Tara spent her childhood in the Ribble Valley, passing...

  • The author of this endearing memoir is an 82-year-old retiree living in Florida. How he got there is an amazing tale. Born in Vienna as Erich Lifschütz, an upper middle class Jew with Polish...

  • First Place Winner of the 2013 Chanticleer Book Award for Best Historical Mystery. Finalist in the Best Digital Fiction Award, New Generation Book Awards, 2014   Jim Musgrave's "Forevermore"...

  • Helen Yeomans has been writing fiction for more than twenty years. Her work includes screenplays, short stories and three novels, including The Money Tree, a story about a close-knit family living...

  • Do you dream of being a published author? Whatever stage your manuscript - from the shell of idea to a nearly completed wotk - Rainbowriter will help you shape it, polish it, prepare it for...

  • Synopsis/Bio: Rosanne Dingli is an award-winning Western Australian writer who has authored four novels, several story collections, a few novellas, and a poetry book.   Involved in...

  • Jana Petken is Scottish but resides on the East Coast of Spain. She is ex military and has travelled extensively, studying conflicts and the after effects they had on the population. She is a...

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