

  • Anne Louise O'Connell grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has been an expat since 1993 when she and her husband escaped the cold of Canada on a hunt for warmer climes, with stops in Florida, Dubai...

  • Born in Armidale, in the New England region of New South Wales, Australia, Lorraine Cobcroft has lived in four countries and worked at dozens of different jobs in a vast range of industries. She...

  • In his past lives, Ira Nayman was, among other things: a cave painter whose art was not appreciated in his lifetime; several nameless peasants who died before their 20th birthday during the Dark...

  • The Tainted Trust is, in addition to a moving and action packed thriller, a brilliant depiction of what perfectly normal people will do for love and money. No one wept when Jim Servito died. He...

  • Explore our available books If you're looking for EPUB 3 eBooks for your digital device, then you've certainly come to the right place. This innovative format is the best when it comes to...

  • Veronica Knox has a fine art degree in painting and art history, and has written several screenplays and seven novels, including historical fantasy, women's fiction, literary fiction, paranormal...

  • The Weight of the Moon A pretentious, self-important couple is about to face the darkest day of their lives, courtesy of a flamboyant, well-upholstered opera luminary. When their best...

  • Synopsis/Bio: Author, Cheri Vause turned a lifetime of adversary and grief from into fodder for her literary mysteries. "Pain is a great teacher," she says, "And it can color your world with hate...

  • Ethan Harrison is an exciting new English novelist with a background in blogging (The Stuffing-It-To-'Em Post @ Blogspot) and journalism writing for The International Times. His books are...

  • Ruth studied a BA (Hons) degree in English and Theatre Studies at Warwick University, and then an MA is Social Work at UEA. She worked as a Probation Officer for almost a decade, working in prisons...

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