

  • Diana Cachey is a licensed attorney, published academic and travel writer. She also holds a Bachelors Degree in English Literature and is a former adjunct professor of law and...

  • Jana Petken is Scottish but resides on the East Coast of Spain. She is ex military and has travelled extensively, studying conflicts and the after effects they had on the population. She is a...

  • Born in Connecticut, raised in Florida, S L Dwyer has lived all over the country. She began as a nurse and went back to school for an engineering degree. Then on to finance and technology. Diverse,...

  • Antaeus was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. He now lives near Sarasota, Florida, USA with his wife. He is the second string caregiver of two, who are supervised by a cat named Barbie, (who thinks...

  • Aaron Safronoff was born and raised in Michigan where he wrote his first novella, Evening Breezes. In his early twenties, he moved to California, fell in love with the Bay Area and has never...

  • Jeffrey G. Roberts is the author of the science fiction novel THE HEALER.   Jeffrey is a graduate of Northern Arizona University, and has been published in Fate magazine, UFO Digest,...

  • A hit on the head with a pencil case began Paul Wilson's lifelong battle against the system and the pencil-pushers who tormented him... but nothing could break his indomitable spirit. Paul was...

  • Ethan Harrison is an exciting new English novelist with a background in blogging (The Stuffing-It-To-'Em Post @ Blogspot) and journalism writing for The International Times. His books are...

  • Phil Hedger has been storytelling almost from birth, and has much to draw on from his interesting and varied life. At the age of 14, he went to work as a Jackaroo on a sheep station in northern...

  • Karen A. Wyle was born a Connecticut Yankee, but moved every few years throughout her childhood and adolescence. Wyle's voice is the product of almost five decades of reading both literary and...

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