

  • Synopsis/Bio: Jeffrey Poston is the acclaimed author of several fast-paced hard-hitting adventure thriller series that have garnered many 5-star reviews on Amazon. He has also received rave reviews...

  • Phil Hedger has been storytelling almost from birth, and has much to draw on from his interesting and varied life. At the age of 14, he went to work as a Jackaroo on a sheep station in northern...

  • Aaron Safronoff was born and raised in Michigan where he wrote his first novella, Evening Breezes. In his early twenties, he moved to California, fell in love with the Bay Area and has never...

  • THE BRIDGE TO CARACAS, (3rd edition), is Volume one of THE KING TRILOGY, an epic story, spanning four tumultuous decades, of an inconvenient fortune and its catastrophic affect on a loving family....

  • Raised in rural New England, Nancy DeMarco doesn't mind swimming with bloodsuckers, drinking from snow melt, and outrunning deer flies. Like her characters, she has spent most of her life in the...

  • Ethan Harrison is an exciting new English novelist with a background in blogging (The Stuffing-It-To-'Em Post @ Blogspot) and journalism writing for The International Times. His books are...

  • The author of this endearing memoir is an 82-year-old retiree living in Florida. How he got there is an amazing tale. Born in Vienna as Erich Lifschütz, an upper middle class Jew with Polish...

  • First Place Winner of the 2013 Chanticleer Book Award for Best Historical Mystery. Finalist in the Best Digital Fiction Award, New Generation Book Awards, 2014   Jim Musgrave's "Forevermore"...

  • Do you dream of being a published author? Whatever stage your manuscript - from the shell of idea to a nearly completed wotk - Rainbowriter will help you shape it, polish it, prepare it for...

  • Synopsis/Bio: Rosanne Dingli is an award-winning Western Australian writer who has authored four novels, several story collections, a few novellas, and a poetry book.   Involved in...

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