

  • Synopsis/Bio: Author, Cheri Vause turned a lifetime of adversary and grief from into fodder for her literary mysteries. "Pain is a great teacher," she says, "And it can color your world with hate...

  • In his past lives, Ira Nayman was, among other things: a cave painter whose art was not appreciated in his lifetime; several nameless peasants who died before their 20th birthday during the Dark...

  • In February 2012, a thought hit Matt: ‘What if Hell actually did freeze over?’.   It was a nagging thought, more of an epiphany. He pursued this thought tenaciously, bouncing...

  • The Weight of the Moon A pretentious, self-important couple is about to face the darkest day of their lives, courtesy of a flamboyant, well-upholstered opera luminary. When their best...

  • Book I in the series, How I Became a Teenage Survivalist, was a quarterfinalist in the 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest, being among the 5% of 10,000 novels that made it to that level....

  • LOVE SPIRITS, LAGOON LURE & MAGIC ISLAND.     On top of being sexy, gorgeous and classy, Louisa Mangotti is a respected attorney and Interpol expert who is puzzled by the odd...

  • Anne Louise O'Connell grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has been an expat since 1993 when she and her husband escaped the cold of Canada on a hunt for warmer climes, with stops in Florida, Dubai...

  • Antaeus was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. He now lives near Sarasota, Florida, USA with his wife. He is the second string caregiver of two, who are supervised by a cat named Barbie, (who thinks...

  • Explore our available books If you're looking for EPUB 3 eBooks for your digital device, then you've certainly come to the right place. This innovative format is the best when it comes to...

  • Raised in rural New England, Nancy DeMarco doesn't mind swimming with bloodsuckers, drinking from snow melt, and outrunning deer flies. Like her characters, she has spent most of her life in the...

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